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Promotion of participant-centered case teaching

With funds from the 5-Year 50-Billion Excellence Program of the Ministry of Education, Executive Yuan, the NCCU College of Commerce established PERDO on 1 April 2006 to engage in education innovation and research development.

PERDO is committed to promoting participant-centered learning for students to become the main character
inclassroom to fully integrate with the situation designed by a course. With the elements placed through participant-centered learning, we enhance the learning interest of students, develop their sensitivity to the constantly changing business environment, cultivate future elites for business, achieve the teaching goals designed in the curriculum, and fulfill the NCCU mission: Talents for the Country, Research for the Academia. 

Looking around the world, education has been changed from passive classroom learning into participant-centered learning.  In view of the constant change in the education system around the world and as part of the academia, the NCCU College of Commerce aims to promote participant-centered learning and develop the case method through
Participation Education and Research Development Office (PERDO) to contribute to Taiwan’s academia, achieve the goal of education and research together, and thereby become a center of participant-centered learning.

At present, PERDO is committed to actively implementing the theory and practice of participant-centered learning in the learning environment of the NCCU College of Commerce. In the future, PERDO will extend participant-centered learning to all colleges and universities in Taiwan and in Greater China by organizing various domestic and international symposia, in order to raise the education standard of colleges and universities in Greater China.